If you’re thinking of better hearing, now is a good time to come see us.
Monday March 11, 2024
14 day, no-obligation trial of new hearing aids with the bonus of FLEX UPGRADE™
Did you celebrate World Hearing Day on Sunday 3 March?
Monday March 11, 2024
This year the World Health Organisation wants us to reflect on the barriers to accessing timely and effective hearing he...
Unitron hearing devices arrive at Audiology South
Tuesday February 13, 2024
Audiologist Nicholas Muir is delighted to welcome Unitron’s hearing technology into Audiology South’s suite of solutions...
Easily bored? Hearing aids may keep you engaged
Tuesday February 13, 2024
Did you know, a good predictor of who gets hearing aids is how bothersome the hearing loss is, but what’s fascinating is...
Do you still struggle to hear the TV, even with your hearing aids?
Tuesday February 13, 2024
How about turning on the closed captions?
Tired and sluggish at the end of the day? Hearing aids might be the answer
Tuesday February 13, 2024
Did you know there is a connection between how hard it is to hear and how tired you are at the end of the day?
Welcome to our newsletter!
Tuesday February 13, 2024
We hope your start to 2024 has been going well. Here at Audiology South, we’re really excited about the new technology a...
Bettina’s family is growing
Monday December 11, 2023
Invercargill recently ‘showered’ audiologist Bettina Luctu with nappies and bibs on her last day with Audiology South be...
Ever wondered how to read an audiogram?
Monday December 11, 2023
An audiogram can help determine the type and degree of hearing loss you may have, which ear(s) are affected and what sou...
A handy guide to hearing aid features
Monday December 11, 2023
Speech understanding, sound quality, listening comfort, usability, connectivity, personalisation: these ’features’ help ...
Let us help you hear all the good cheer
Monday December 11, 2023
The latest Beltone range has something for everyone!
We’re having a break to rest and recharge for 2024
Monday December 11, 2023
Our clinics will be closed from 2pm, Friday 22 December, so be sure to pop in before then and stock up on any hearing ai...
Season’s greetings readers
Monday December 11, 2023
It’s hard to believe it’s that time of the year already, where did 2023 go to?!
“When Bluetooth works, it’s amazing, and when it doesn’t, you want to rip your hair out.”
Wednesday November 1, 2023
Are you still having trouble pairing your Bluetooth hearing aids to your smartphone?
Eww, earworms! Sounds gross!
Wednesday November 1, 2023
But what we’re really talking about is when a piece of repetitive music gets stuck in your head and plays over and over ...
“Audiology South’s care is absolutely brilliant,” says Jimmy McGeown
Wednesday November 1, 2023
“Wearing hearing aids has brought me back into an inclusive space in society, at work and home. I particularly enjoy not...
GN Beltone, packed with amazing new technology
Wednesday November 1, 2023
Your ears are unique. Let us tailor a hearing solution to fit them.
Rugby, earworms and Bluetooth trouble-shooting tips
Wednesday November 1, 2023
Wow! There’s some wild weather out there. We must be well into spring now, folks! At least there has been some amazing s...
Hearing ‘from both sides’ has well-being benefits
Tuesday September 12, 2023
Helping people hear better with technology is only one piece of the hearing care puzzle. Being able to hear well has the...
Drug therapy research: Can hearing loss be cured’?
Tuesday September 12, 2023
Can a pill be developed to rejuvenate the damaged inner ear most people with hearing loss suffer from? Can such a pill r...
Welcome to Wanaka, Coralieanne
Tuesday September 12, 2023
Meet Coralieanne Turner, Audiology South’s Client Care Manager at our new Wanaka clinic.